Friday, May 5, 2017

Love Letters from God - for a Girl's Heart

This book is delightful and well put together for time to spend with your little girl.  The cover is shown below as it is one that is appealing to the eyes.  When my little girl saw it, her face just beamed and she immediately wanted to start reading.

There are approximately 14 short chapters so that you have quality time around God's Word.  They include the name of the lady being discussed, the Scriptural context, and one additional verse that specifically speaks to the lesson -- "God's Wonderful Words to You."  At the end of the Scripture-based lesson, there is a little "love note from God" that you can open and read.  Once you reach the end of the book, they have the opportunity to write a love letter back to God. 

My little girl is of the age that we could read one of these together each night covering for 2 straight weeks.  Or, it is set up in a way that you could extend it to four weeks -- read and discuss the Scriptural text one night and then the book material the next night.  It sets a routine of time focused on the Bible and allowing her to learn more about how to be a godly woman. The topics include:
  • Trust, Bravery, Strength
  • Hope, Service, Prayer, Youth
  • Thirst, Forgiveness, Busyness
  • Generosity, Gratitude, and Happiness
Please remember that this is just a tool meaning that its value is in the one using it.  Fathers can use this to ensure there is quality time with your daughter because, as research shows, a healthy relationship with dad is so vital for her development.  Mothers can also use this time to educate their daughters on womanhood as defined by Scripture.  If you take the time to use it, the results will be worth the time invested.

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