Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Absolute Must Read!!!!!

Eric Blehm’s Fearless is one of the best books I have read in recent memory.  Adjectives that I would use to describe it are:  riveting, inspirational, gutsy, patriotic, and redemptive.

It is rare that I review a book and do not offer any sort of criticism, but, quite honestly, Fearless is one such book.  The author did a masterful job of weaving together the whole story of an American soldier that ultimately gave his all for you and me.  While the writing demonstrates clear skill of the author, the material is rich and engaging for any reader.  Clearly, the compelling life of Adam Brown carries the reader through a roller coaster of emotions and the story does not end with his all-too-soon departure from this earth.  

The story traces the life of Adam Brown and shows his intense love for his home state of Arkansas.  A reader comes to understand that his character was forged at an early age including his penchant for danger (i.e. reenacting a movie scene of jumping off a bridge from a moving car) and sense of justice.  Somewhere along the way, due to some “friends” he associated with, Adam was sidetracked through addictions.  The greatest challenge of his life was overcoming that addiction even though he had the woman of his dreams and pursued his life’s dream of becoming an elite Navy SEAL. 

You learn about the rigorous and grueling training that must be endured to become a SEAL team member.  Although training accidents slowed his progress, Adam’s determination moved him forward closer to fulfilling his passion.  He had to step back and retrain himself in many areas to overcome those obstacles.  The author interjects some interesting anecdotes about Adam that quickly reveal why others thought so highly of him – all I can say is “fire ants” and will leave the rest for you. 

Ultimately, though, Brown’s story is one of redemption.  After hitting rock bottom and sitting in jail, he gives his life to Christ and accepts the free gift of salvation.  Yet, the circumstances of his life do not become prosperous and rosy.  He still struggles with his internal demons related to drug addiction, and he faces multiple setbacks along the way of making it onto Seal Team SIX.  Love, commitment, and teamwork ultimately helped him overcome but the struggle still remained.

This book is not just for military enthusiasts.  It can be used to help those battling with addictions.  It can be used to teach leadership lessons.  It can be used to engender a better appreciation for our men and women in uniform.  It can be used to show the powerful meaning behind the words often contained in wedding vows:  “in good times and bad.”  It can be used to impart tough love needed as a parent.  It can be used to encourage those going through difficulties.  It can be used to provide the importance of enjoying every waking moment of life and those that you love.

Please, get a copy of this book.  Read it and share it with others – you will not be disappointed!

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  For additional details, please visit  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 25:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Forgive Me....

In concluding the Truth About Series, John MacArthur picks up the theme of Forgiveness.  The progression of this series is quite logical – the Lordship of Christ establishes the fact that His offer of forgiveness can only be accomplished by the grace of God.  The three topics are highly intertwined and their connectedness only begins with the deity of Jesus Christ.  If His deity is not clearly established, the remaining pillars cannot rest upon a firm foundation.  
Why has this occurred?  The modern world is consumed with the philosophical beliefs of betterment and value.  Betterment teaches that our physical universe is improving so the “old paths” are of less importance that our enlightened ways.  Yes, you got it – that means the teachings of Scripture are not needed either.  Value teaches that we are worth something and our self-esteem should be stroked at every opportunity.  In other words, our self-worth is tied up in promotion and earning things which can easily be transferred into salvation.  Do you doubt that fact?  Then, think of people that believe they are getting to heaven because they are a “good person.”  

As humans, we are confronted with two salvific choices:  earn your salvation through extreme rules and good works or depend totally upon God for sin’s atonement.  The Pharisees, like contemporary culture, have chosen the former by trusting in self for eternal security.  The life of Christ is filled with examples of His challenge to their choice – the wrong one – but they were unrelenting in changing their opinion.  Currently, our modern “Christianity” is replete with works oriented salvation and philosophies that exalt man’s role in forgiveness.  We have adopted a modern version of ancient Pharisaicalism and are paying a deep spiritual price.  As a Christian who lived the life of a Pharisee before understanding my need for Jesus Christ, this book resonates very well with me.

As is the case with any MacArthur work, he provides cogent analysis with a deep theological understanding.  Although the “serious academics” would disagree with me here, a great teacher’s mastery of complexity is revealed in this fashion – they can present the idea in a written and simple format.   The analysis is packed with Scripture which further reinforces our need to stand upon the only source of unchanging truth in the world – God’s Word.

Being quite frank in my rating, this is the strongest of the three books in the Truth About Series.  As I have said about the others, any Christian should own the trilogy and new Christians should get these in their discipleship programs.  

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Pleasing Work so that we Please God

The Pleasures of God by John Piper is another engaging and deep work produced by a true American scholar.  If you are looking for some light reading, then do not grab this book; however, if you are looking for a theologically challenging and spiritually inspiring treatise, then, by all means, read this book.  It is not a work that should be read quickly but slowly and methodically.  When the author cites a Scriptural passage, it is incumbent upon the reader to investigate those words of God more deeply.

This work continues the theme that Piper has advanced at every opportunity – God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.  He opened the book by providing a glimpse of his own personal journey and how this book was “born.”  He cited a quote by Henry Scougal that he could not escape:  “the soul of man….hath in it a raging and inextinguishable thirst.”  He weaves this throughout the introduction in that mankind has a thirst but fails to follow the words of Christ to the Samaritan woman – “but whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty again” (John 4:14).  Instead of seeking the all-satisfying Savior, we turn to the ways of the world.  

Piper then goes through a variety of topics and shows how God has pleasure in these events (just a few are listed):  His Son, creation, election (he does a magnificent job in two chapters on this Calvinistic discussion), obedience, prayer, and punishing Jesus on the cross.  While many other topics are considered, chapter 10 – God revealing Himself to the simple rather than the wise – is the ultimate culmination.  Lest I give away his consideration of the chapter, I will summarize it by saying this:  everything God does is to promote His infinite worth in the eyes of His children.  

Our trust, faith, and reliance upon the Creator of the Universe provides a shining example to the world of something totally different that what is normal in this depraved world.  That difference, then, is what will lead others toward His light.  In a sense, Piper’s work expound greatly upon Matthew 5:16 that demands we shine as lights in this dark world so that others see Him and glorify Him, not us.

I encourage you to get a copy of this book and really consider the deeper truths mined.  It will not be an easy read, at times, but it will provoke thought.  You will leave pleased and will be able to, in turn, offer a life more pleasing to God.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  For additional details, please visit  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 25:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

A Graceful Consideration of Grace

In continuing the Truth About Series, John MacArthur tackles a much discussed but little understood tenet of Grace – in this second installment of the three part series.  At times, he adopts a historical lens while at other times he incorporates a theological lens.  Regardless of the approach, this book serves as a solid primer for any believer that wishes to gain a better understanding of God’s grace (including common, special, and sovereign).

MacArthur’s short book focuses on the salvific aspects of grace and, in doing so, offers a rather interesting interpretation of “grace by faith alone” (Ephesians 2:8-9).  His interpretation is not new, but he states it in such a simple to understand manner – grace is the work of God and, without grace, there cannot be faith.  As he says on page 18, “Salvation only comes when we receive by faith the gift of God’s grace.”  It is all about Him and His work that we, in turn, accept.  Without His grace, I would not have faith.

Later on, MacArthur takes on those that promote an easy belief mentality or the “seeker sensitive” approach.  In discussing the grace of God, he shows how God has done all the work but that, like the apostle James says so clearly, our works should reveal the work of grace in our heart.  He packs his work with Scripture after Scripture, which is the foundation of all of his books – the truth that we need in our lives can only be found in God’s Word. 

Someone may want to offer a criticism that he continually references the same passages over and over.  I do not view that as a problem because the Scripture is powerful in its tenets.  For instance, MacArthur constantly goes to Romans 6:1 to attack those that say the following:  since we already have grace, we can sin as much as we want because it cannot diminish God’s grace.  This belief slides into a “no lordship” idea of salvation because, if there is no lord, we can live as we desire.  Such a belief reveals a woeful misunderstanding of the power of grace in justification and sanctification.

Simply put, this second part of the Truth About Series is a must read because there is so much to these 105 pages.  While it does not offer a lengthy manuscript discussing the depths of grace, it sure does break complexity down into simplicity.  My suggestions are simple – get it, read it, and grow from it.  After reading the book, go back a second time and circle all the Scriptural reference; and then, spend time just reading and meditating upon them.  

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”