Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Questions and Answers

I grabbed a copy of this book because I have read other books by the author and had high expectations for it.  Quite frankly, it was not his best work.  I am NOT saying that the book is unworthy of reading; however, it just did not meet the standards that I expected of him.

The format is set up in a question and answer method where the author tries to infuse humor into the material.  He does take on some weighty matters -- existence of God, the presence of suffering, heaven/hell, angels/demons, purported hatred of homosexuals, etc.  The work is accessible by those of deep theological understanding or those that have little knowledge of religion. My concern is the philosophical approach rather than a Biblical one.  It is rare to see mention of the Bible as a basis for the truth upon which he is expounding, and I see that as a major missed opportunity.

Its okay as a read and a resource.  I would use to build my specific, theological position on a matter.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I am offering this disclaimer:  I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review.