Thursday, June 27, 2013

Leading by the Book

Zondervan, as a publishing company, has commissioned and produced the NIV Leadership Bible.  The aesthetics of this Bible are wonderful.  Mine was a "duo tone" Italian leather with shiny, golden trim on the pages.  I was shocked at its visual appeal because, quite frankly, I anticipated a simple hardback Bible.  When you see it, the Bible will clearly capture your eyes.

This version of the New International Version (NIV) is the Updated Edition.  If you carefully read the preface, you will come to understand why the words "updated edition" are included in the title.  The New International Version, as a translation of the Scriptures, was originally completed in 1978 with a revision released in 1984 by the Committee on Bible Translation.  In 2005, however, another revision was done and is often called Today's New International Version (TNIV).  This leadership Bible incorporates the original AND the latest revision to for this Updated Edition.

Before I launch into other opinions on this leadership-themed book, I want to stop and announce an immediate bias -- I am not a fan of the New International Version (NIV) as a translation.  While I grew up in a King James Version only church, that opinion is not one to which I hold.  My particular preference is a "word-for-word" translation from the ancient texts rather than the "thought-for-thought" approached utilized by the NIV.    The former method is often referred to as the literalist approach while the latter, used by the NIV, is called "dynamic equivalency."  In other words, the KJV, NKJV, RSV, ESV, and NASB create their version by direct word translation while the NIV goes for a broader method of translation by focusing on thoughts not words.  To me, the thought methodology interjects more of man's interpretation onto the text than the word translation would.

With that preference or bias stated upfront, I knew that this leadership-themed Bible was the NIV -- the leadership motif is what captured my attention.  The Bible offers a 52 week leadership study that is wonderful for work.  They claim it takes 15 minutes a day and has "home pages" that guide you throughout the Bible for your studies in leadership.  It is easy to use and can be done in roughly 15 minutes.  I highly suggest that you place this Bible on your desk at work and start every day with the leadership studies.  If we are going to be Christian leaders, we must understand that we take our sacred beliefs into a secular world every day.  Those few minutes of focus, using this tool for leadership development, is a great way to start your work day.

The tag line of the Bible is the title of this review -- Leading by the Book.  My dissertation focused on the need for Christian leaders to consult the Bible for their learning on leadership.  If God's Word is enough for us to trust for our eternal destiny, then it certainly is enough for us to gain and grow as leaders.  I am not knocking all of secular scholarship on leadership; but if we adopt the ways of the world, we will get the same results of the world.  We must focus on THE book that provides THE truth in all things and focus on THE definitive source of leadership scholarship - God's Word.

For instance, I also own a NKJV of the Bible that is put out by John C. Maxwell.  It is his leadership Bible and is peppered with references to his other books and articles.  His intent is, no doubt, to develop readers but the approach is different than this NIV Leadership Bible.  Rather than plugging other human works, the themes and principles are Bible-based.  Despite my version bent away from the NIV, the editors of this leadership Bible have done a great job with the leadership approach.

I do have one suggestion for Zondervan -- put the words of Christ in red.  I know that many newer Bibles have moved away from that piece; however, I do like it.  While I recognize that is a preference, it would make my reading experience even more enjoyable.

In summary, my only gripes on this Leadership Bible are related to personal preferences.  If you like the NIV and want to develop as a spiritual leader (whether in a secular or sacred vocation), this leadership Bible will help you do just that.  Lead and be sure to lead by the Book!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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