This Maxwell book is no different than any of his others. I will list several points to further define that aspect: (1) he continues to be quotable with his ever-present one-liners that stick with you, (2) he constantly references laws or components of his other books to drive you those ways, and (3) he puts forward ever-practical advice regarding leadership. You do not find anything earth-shattering in my above points; however, you must understand something here -- Maxwell readily admits that we already know many of these things. He is not necessarily trying to teach you something new as he is trying to come alongside you, as a friend, to inspire you to implement what you already know.
The book, as its title suggests, is broken down into 26 "lessons." These are very short chapters that you can breeze through quite quickly, but RESIST THAT TEMPTATION. What we need to do is slow down and work methodically through them. Having the knowledge is great, but the application of that knowledge is what shows wisdom (and thus makes you a better leader). Maxwell suggests that emerging leaders read one chapter each week for 26 weeks, and he suggests experienced leaders to take two weeks per chapter -- one week for you and one week to mentor someone else about that lesson.
I, as an experienced leader, am taking a slightly different approach - sort of a hybrid of his suggestion. I am taking this book one lesson a week and focusing on that lesson throughout my work week. To do so, I write the title of the lesson at the top of my Passion Planner (see for more information) where it asks for "This Week's Focus." My goal is to implement the lessons weekly and then reflect back in the Passion Planner section "Good Things that Happened." My team knows that I am working through this book and its principles, so I will have informal discussions with them about its influence in my leadership. Once I have finished all 26 lessons, I will go back and take several team members systematically through these lessons.
Maxwell hammers home some major points for leaders to know and understand as you go through this leadership-improvement process. I am not putting all of them below, but did want to highlight a few of my favorites from the introduction: (1) leadership is the willingness to put oneself at risk, (2) leadership is being dissatisfied with the current reality, (3) leadership is taking responsibility when others are making excuses, (4) leadership is the ability to submerge your ego for the sake of what is best, and (5) leadership is, above all, courageous.
At my title suggests, this book can truly become a handbook if you choose to enact the necessary steps for it to produce personal and professional change. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in improving as a leader. One final thought -- be sure that the change you implement affects your personal life primarily? Why? If you change personally, then professional change is guaranteed -- the opposite is not true.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the review program. I was not required to write a positive
review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in
accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides
Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”