Friday, February 14, 2014

Proof that the Old Testament is Relevant

Gareth Lee Cockerill’s latest work, The Christian Faith in the Old Testament, is a tremendous read that is packed with proof that the Old Testament is relevant in our modern times.  The beauty of his work rests in the fact that he so clearly presents the implications of Old Testament theology as the foundation of New Testament grace.   He makes connections for us that we may miss – the comments by Jesus about murder in Matthew 5 “explain the implications of the sixth commandment in light of the tenth” (p. 107).  If you have individuals that express doubts about the pertinence of the Old Testament, then this book is one that must be placed in their hands.

It is evident, from the first few pages, that Cockerill is a teacher.  Each chapter flows precisely according to an outline that he shares in the book.  There are multiple stopping points (in case you need to put the book down), but these divisions also assist in coming back to find a specific section for further study.  The constant “figures” (as he calls them) throughout the book are wonderful summary illustrations of the longer textual passages.  For instance, his house graphic to explain the Ten Commandments on page 106 provides a great example for us to construct our understanding.

He even concludes with a short appendix that explains why the canon of the Old Testament is what it is and does not include other books.  This discussion is important in understanding the theological foundations of the New Testament that are rooted in Old Testament works.  Think of it this way:  if any Old Testament book is “missing,” then the New Testament could be “reinterpreted.”  Clearly, Cockerill believes the entire Bible is complete and, thus, needed to offer this explanation.

The ideas that he presents are, in his words, the summary of a lifetime of ministry, teaching, and thinking on the Scriptures.  While no man may ever “master” the Scriptures, he has a grasp of the big picture flow.  I do wish that this manuscript would have expanded significantly into a compendium on this topic.  What I mean by that is simple – chapter 9 is the only chapter whereby he races through the New Testament to show how they are based upon Old Testament foundations.  I think a chapter on each of the major division of the New Testament – Gospels, Acts, Pauline epistles, General epistles, and Revelation – would closed the circuit totally on his ideas.  As it stands, the book is solid!

As far as serious issues with the book, I do not yet have any.   I say yet because I want to work back through this book again after setting it aside for a few months.  There are some minor gripes (i.e. the assumption that Jacob and Esau were totally reconciled through “humility, confession, and restitution” on page 64), but I will bypass them in this review.

The tag line on the back cover of the book says it best:  “Understand how the Old Testament applies to life today.  Discover the source of apostolic truth in the Old Testament.  Gain a broad perspective on Scripture as a whole.”  Get this book and add it to your Biblical library.  It is worth it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Scattered Thoughts from a Serious Scholar

Every time I review a book by John Piper, I always start with the same line – Piper is a serious thinking and a scholar.  This review of Piper’s A Godward Heart:  Treasuring the God who Loves You is no different because it takes a quick but deep look at many different topics (50 of them).  There are some serious nuggets in this book that I believe anyone could gain benefit from reading.  I have listed a few of those below:

  • ·         Covering the Chasm – a look at the “rebellion of nudity.”  If you’ve ever had a child ask you why we wear clothes since Adam and Eve were originally naked, well, this provides that answer for you.
  • ·         Changed Lives in Jesus’ New Life – an examination of how to live a radical life due to the Resurrection of Christ.  We should not lose heart as we age and our bodies give out because the focus should be on the renewing of our inner selves. 
  • ·         Coed Combat and Cultural Cowardice – a discussion of what women in combat really means.  He says that men have decided to “let women die; I’ll keep my career” (158).  I’ll not go any further, but he has serious issues with men that would step aside and let a woman take a bullet that he could instead take for her.
  • ·         Why Require Unregenerate Children to Act like they are Good – a provision of three reasons why parenting by God’s will is effective even for those that are yet to yield their hearts in faith to God.

The main difference in this book and any other that he has written is its disjointedness, which was by design.  He makes it clear in his opening that this is simply a collection of thoughts that may change someone’s life.  He readily admits that, while has read volumes of books, it is often a paragraph or sentence or phrase that has made a huge difference in his life.  Rather than digging into a longer, expositional work, Piper goes short, sweet, and to the point. 

While not a bad read, A Godward Heart is not what I was expecting from him.  It does not fit his normal work; so, for me at least, I was a bit disappointed.  You can and will learn from the book, but just understand the difference going in as a reader.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 25:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.